엔지니어링 > 조선소컨설팅
조선·해양 > 사업분야 > 엔지니어링 > 조선소컨설팅
Scope of Supply
- Mastek has kept Collecting & Studying the shipbuilding status, technology, methods in Korean, Indian and Brazil etc.
- Mastek has carried out Shipyard Engineering & Consulting for several projects for new construction, renovation or modernization of the shipyard to the client's satisfaction.
- Optimized design of the shipyard shall be provided together with consulting services for operation of the shipyard in full consideration of the local conidtions.
Scope of Supply
- To shorten shipbuilding time through various Hull construction & Erection methods (Ex: Pre-erection, Mega Blocks, etc)
- Having technology of calculation & design for various types of launching methods to offer the best method to the shipyard.
- MASTEK's engineering & consulting services offer all possible ways for saving time, less costs and best productivity for shipbuilding at the client's shipyard.